COREG® For Your Patients

Commercial Insurance


  1. Find the NPI #: NPI 1427160357 in your e-prescribing system
  2. Select ProCare Pharmacy Care as the Specialty Pharmacy*
    • 2650 SW 145th Ave, Miramar, FL 33027-6606
    • *If the specialty pharmacy does not appear, please contact your e-prescribing provider to update your system
  3. Save the Specialty Pharmacy in Your System
  4. Transfer the Prescription

Copay Card Information

    Provide your email to receive Copay Card information by email. where you'll receive your savings card information

    Commercially insured patients may pay as little as $5 for their prescription. Inform

    Patient Assistance Programs

    Medicare / Government Insurance OR No Insurance

    Medicare / government insured patients and patients without insurance may qualify to get their prescription at a lower cost.

    To get started, call the Waylis Patient Access and Affordability Program at: (888) 218-8897 or fill out this referral form and fax to (844) 470-1931